Roadblock 1.8.11
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I'm trying to get RabbitVCS working on Kubuntu (20.04) via Thunar (1.8.14), but try as I might, nothing seems to work. Certainly it doesn't work according to their official install directions. I feel like I'm getting very close, but hit a roadblock & after literally hours of Google, am at a loss for how to proceed. Here was my process.
To directly answer my own question above, I was able to get the missing typelib by downloading the rpm from, manually extracting the missing typelib, and manually moving it to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0. However, as I learned that Thunar doesn't actually support RabbitVCS's overlay icons, I ended up going with Nautilus instead. To get that working in Kubuntu, I installed like:
Now there's a lot of text for the packages not upgrading. Are there logs that I can find to copy and paste, or will I need to manually type out the whole thing Because I imagine the corrupted packages are what's causing the roadblock.
I would be open to just executing cli cmmands on deployment to create the datasouce definition as well but everything I have found on the subject is somewhat mangled or difficult to parse and execute. This is a roadblock to our adoption of this container.
In 2015, Natalie started Awakened Hypnosis, a professional practice that helps people in all walks of life to clear personal roadblocks and awaken to their potential. Her approach is to combine conscious education with subconscious motivation in order to promote healing at all levels. 59ce067264