The Glimmer Man Torrent [PORTABLE]
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If you are looking for a torrent of Orion: The Man Who Would Be King, a film by Jeanie Finlay we would prefer you buy a copy from us. We spent a long time (6 years!) working on this film. It took years to track down the people you see in the film, find the archive, raise the funding, edit and do the post production.
With 33 years at the sheriff's office, Josey said emergency situations like Monday's are rare but stick with responders for life. What made it even more difficult was the glimmer of hope they had for Pena. He had acted on "human nature" to try to do the right thing, like so many others likely would in a split second decision, Josey said.
He remembers pieces of the otherwise perfect day in the canyon. He remembers putting his feet in the river, afraid to go in past ankle depth. He remembers talking about how strong and high the torrent was ripping through the canyon. Stone and a group of friends went to the river every now and then. They even talked about making sure the dog roaming along the banks didn't take a swim, fearing it would be swept away.
But at last a noise of footsteps was heard in the dark abyss. Hans was approaching. A flickering light was beginning to glimmer on the wall of our darksome prison; then it came out full at the mouth of the gallery. Hans appeared.
We hurried forward in the greatest excitement. I was no longer sensible of my fatigue. This murmuring of waters close at hand was already refreshing me. It was audibly increasing. The torrent, after having for some time flowed over our heads, was now running within the left wall, roaring and rushing. Frequently I touched the wall, hoping to feel some indications of moisture: But there was no hope here.
Then it became clear that the hunter had gone no farther. Guided by an instinct peculiar to mountaineers he had as it were felt this torrent through the rock; but he had certainly seen none of the precious liquid; he had drunk nothing himself.
We returned. Hans stopped where the torrent seemed closest. I sat near the wall, while the waters were flowing past me at a distance of two feet with extreme violence. But there was a thick granite wall between us and the object of our desires.
He rose and took the lamp. I followed him. He moved towards the wall. I looked on. He applied his ear against the dry stone, and moved it slowly to and fro, listening intently. I perceived at once that he was examining to find the exact place where the torrent could be heard the loudest. He met with that point on the left side of the tunnel, at three feet from the ground.
Yes; who but he? Such an expedient, however simple, would never have entered into our minds. True, it seemed most hazardous to strike a blow of the hammer in this part of the earth's structure. Suppose some displacement should occur and crush us all! Suppose the torrent, bursting through, should drown us in a sudden flood! There was nothing vain in these fancies. But still no fears of falling rocks or rushing floods could stay us now; and our thirst was so intense that, to satisfy it, we would have dared the waves of the north Atlantic.
31. when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is the Son of man glorified--These remarkable words plainly imply that up to this moment our Lord had spoken under a painful restraint, the presence of a traitor within the little circle of His holiest fellowship on earth preventing the free and full outpouring of His heart; as is evident, indeed, from those oft-recurring clauses, "Ye are not all clean," "I speak not of you all," &c. "Now" the restraint is removed, and the embankment which kept in the mighty volume of living waters having broken down, they burst forth in a torrent which only ceases on His leaving the supper room and entering on the next stage of His great work--the scene in the Garden. But with what words is the silence first broken on the departure of Judas? By no reflections on the traitor, and, what is still more wonderful, by no reference to the dread character of His own approaching sufferings. He does not even name them, save by announcing, as with a burst of triumph, that the hour of His glory has arrived! And what is very remarkable, in five brief clauses He repeats this word "glorify" five times, as if to His view a coruscation of glories played at that moment about the Cross. God is glorified in him--the glory of Each reaching its zenith in the Death of the Cross!
36-38. Peter said--seeing plainly in these directions how to behave themselves, that He was indeed going from them. Lord, whither guest thou?--having hardly a glimmer of the real truth. Jesus answered, . . . thou canst not follow me now, but thou shalt follow me afterwards--How different from what He said to the Jews: "Whither I go ye cannot come" ( John 8:21 ). 2b1af7f3a8