Bass Treble Booster 1.1 Crack 71
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Here are some pad and head phones I had in the past when I was looking for the most transparent and benign bass focussing pad.In the blue area you will find a description of the different types of pads and I also add a bit about each. VDT Black velours with by now legendary VDT TNC-2 pads are my favorite because of their magic bass-treble sound compared to dac pads. Hollow point leads are also cool because of their bass shadow but because the bass is too rounded, the upper midrange sound doesn't have a lot of clarity. I don't like the sound of aluminum cans. A good non drying type waterproof and non noisy headphone is essential, a bit more expensive than a jack and spk(speaker behind the driver also called Xmax) with a bit more power. Don't go for the cheap ones, you won't get anything out of them. Aluminum cans are therefore my pass to the genuine article. Here I also explain a bit about what all the black things are and where they belong:a- The sides of the head are where the stuffing and perhaps the magnets of the driver is. This is where you end up after many hours of lapping between the ears, you get the best feeling for the pad.b- The is the pad itself, also called head pad. Leaf pads, pumped fir, micro pads, etc. are all this.c- The is a hard plastic case that holds the pad. It is normally made of cardboard and has a not very tight nylon tube made some hole. This protects it from dust and spilling of liquids. It also serves as a mold for the pad. Check this very carefully before pressing it into your case! These pads are too soft and they crop round to much.d- The is the rubber part, where the padding is glued into place. It should be slightly larger that the head size of your head. I would say about 1-2cm larger, the shape of the pads is created by the looks and the healthy of the glue.e- The is the "floor" of the pad, it is the original material that all the other materials are glued to. The floor is the cushion that touches your head. There is a few variations possible, but the most interesting are the punched VDT Black velours and the shock-mount velours. d2c66b5586